Everyone can be a philanthropist. At Kern Community Foundation, we’re committed to making it easy to find, learn about and give to the causes you care about most. Discover the impact local nonprofits have on our community with our comprehensive nonprofit database. Search for your organization of choice and find information to help you make the most of your charitable gift.
First Responders Children’s Foundation
Mission:First Responders Children’s Foundation helps children of first responders through financial assistance, scholarships, and mental health resources.
Flight Test Museum Foundation
Mission:To support the development of the Air Force Flight Test Museum at Edwards AFB and Blackbird Airpark Annex at USAF Plant 42 in Palmdale.
Flood Bakersfield Ministries
Mission:Providing permanent housing and supportive services to ensure housing stability for the street homeless population.
Forget me Not Rescue of Kern
Mission:Match shelter dogs & cats with low income seniors. We spay, vax, provide vet care and even grooming for free for the seniors for the life of the pet.
Foundation at Hearst Castle
Mission:The Foundation at Hearst Castle’s mission is to support and offer youth programs to underserved students, along with conservation efforts.
Foundation ThinkAgain
Mission:To significantly increase the functionality of pediatric cancer survivors by providing rehabilitation therapies.
Friends of the Kern County Library
Mission:The Friends of the Kern County Library supports the programs, priorities and activities of all branches of the Kern County Library
Friends of the Tehachapi Depot
Mission:Our mission is to educate the public on the history and impact of the railroad in our communities and geographic area.
Fur Friends 4 Life
Mission:To help as many dogs as possible, educate the public on the importance of spay/neuter, and to one day have fewer dogs roaming our streets.