Kern Alliance of Nonprofits (KAN) September Training
KAN Training – Nonprofit Law: Advocacy and Lobbying Rules for Nonprofits
The Kern Alliance of Nonprofits (KAN) is hosting Nonprofit Law Training. Launched in 2016 by a small group of local nonprofit leaders who care deeply about building the capacity of nonprofit organizations in Kern County. They provide monthly educational workshops on various aspects of nonprofit work taught by qualified leaders, and quarterly social mixers designed to bring community-based organizations and their partners and supporters together for strategic networking.
Date: September 20, 2023
Location: Chase Building, Christine Lizardi Fraizer 301 1675 Chester Ave (corner of 17th and Chester)
*Training dates, locations, and topics are tentative and subject to change
All trainings will be from 8:30 – 10:00 a.m., with check-in at 8 a.m.
Trainings will also be available on Zoom. Link will be sent upon registration.
Interested in becoming a member? Click (HERE) and submit your membership form today!
The Steering Committee meets monthly to guide the Alliance’s work in the areas of strategic planning, education and nonprofit leadership development, communications and outreach, advocacy, membership, and more.
Their mission was…To strengthen the Community Benefit Organizations of Kern County. Following a process that involved stakeholder feedback and strategic planning in the Spring of 2019, the new mission is…To strengthen the Nonprofit Organizations of Kern County through training, networking, and advocacy.
Interested in becoming a member of KAN? Click (HERE) and submit your membership form today!
KAN’s Vision is…To create a strong community benefit sector that plays a vital role in a healthy, prosperous and vibrant Kern County.
Stay up to date on news and events by subscribing to our email list or visiting us on social media:
Facebook and Instagram @kernallianceofnonprofits
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